The Longevity Diet, Eat It, The Fast Diet & No Grain Smarter Brain Body Diet Cookbook 4 Books Collection Set
The Longevity Diet:
ISBN-10 : 1405933941
ISBN-13 : 978-1405933940
The Longevity Diet:The Longevity Diet will guide you through the process with:· An easy-to-adopt lifetime plan· Fasting-mimicking diet 3-4 times a year, just 5 days at a time· 30 easy and delicious recipes based on Longo's 'Five Pillars of Longevity'.In this lifelong, health-boosting plan, you will feel the benefits of fasting without the hunger and live a longer, healthier and more fulfilled life.
Eat It!:
ISBN-10 : 0008543046
ISBN-13 : 978-0008543044
Enjoy your favourite foods without guilt while losing weight, getting stronger, and improving your health.Some “experts” say, don’t eat carbs because insulin makes you fat, others say, don’t eat fat because fat makes you fat. Some say, don’t eat protein because protein makes you fat., and others even say you shouldn’t eat fruit because sugar makes you fat.
The Fast Diet:
Dr Mosley's Fast Diet has become the health phenomenon of our times. And for good reason. This radical approach to weight loss really is as simple as it sounds. You eat normally for five days a week, then for just two days you cut your calorie intake (600 for men, 500 for women).
No Grain, Smarter Brain Body Diet Cookbook:
By reducing infl ammation in the brain, through removing harmful foods from our diet, we can reduce the instances of degenerative brain disorders. The most common foods which are harmful to our brains and cause infl ammation are gluten (a protein found in wheat, barley and rye) and foods which are high in carbohydrates.
The Longevity Diet, Eat It, The Fast Diet & No Grain Smarter Brain Body Diet Cookbook 4 Books Collection Set