Green New Deal Jeremy Rifkin, Edge How competition Jonathan Maxwell 2 Books Set
by Jeremy Rifkin Publisher: St. Martin's Press
SKU PLD17509
Jeremy Rifkin
Green New Deal, The: Why the Fossil Fuel Civilization Will Collapse by 2028, and the Bold Economic Plan to Save Life on Earth...
While the Green New Deal has become a lightning rod in the political sphere, there is a parallel movement emerging within the business community that will shake the very foundation of the global economy in coming years. The key sectors that make up the infrastructure of the economy are fast-decoupling from fossil fuels in favor of solar and wind energies that are becoming ever-cheaper. New studies are sounding the alarm about the prospect of 100 trillion dollars in stranded assets that are creating a carbon bubble likely to burst by 2028 - causing the collapse of the fossil fuel civilisation. The marketplace is speaking and governments will need to respond if they are to survive and prosper.....
The Edge: How competition for resources is pushing the world, and its climate, to the brink – and what we can do about it....
THE EDGE is a very contemporary look at how the world has been transformed by recent economic events, focusing on climate change, the war in Ukraine, the Chinese economy and the challenges the world faces around inflation, energy, transport, fuel, imports etc. Written from an economist/investor's perspective, with lessons for pretty much every institution challenged by these developments, it is a timely and essential resource authored by a global expert with peerless connections, from major organisations to government insiders, from investors to energy corporations. It will help businesses and economies currently at the mercy of the markets to transition towards sustainability, productivity and prosperity, and help everyone understand the world in 2023.
Green New Deal Jeremy Rifkin, Edge How competition Jonathan Maxwell 2 Books Set