M Scott Peck Collection 3 Books Set (The Road Less Travelled, The Road Less Travelled And Beyond)
The Road Less Travelled:
Confronting and solving problems is a painful process which most of us attempt to avoid. And the very avoidance results in greater pain and an inability to grow both mentally and spiritually.Drawing heavily on his own professional experience, leading psychiatrist Dr M. Scott Peck suggests ways in which facing our difficulties - and suffering through the changes - can enable us to reach a higher level of self-understanding.
The Road Less Travelled And Beyond:
The culmination of a lifetime of counselling, lecturing and writing, M. Scott Peck's major work leads us to a deeper awareness of how to live rich, fulfilling lives in a world fraught with stress, worry and anxiety. Writing with a depth of understanding that comes with the seasoned perspective of age, Dr Peck continues the journey of spiritual growth that began with The Road Less Travelled, one of the most influential personal development books of modern times. To the famous opening line of that book - 'Life is difficult' he now adds 'Life is complex'.
The People Of The Lie:
This is the second bestselling book by Dr M. Scott Peck. In this gripping psychology book, the leading psychiatrist describes his encounters during psychiatric therapy with patients who are not merely ill but manifestly evil - People of the Lie. This brilliant, disturbing book forces us to confront the darker side of our natures and to recogise that without spiritual and religious dimension, modern psychiatry cannot claim to understand human nature or behaviour. It is a worthy successor to The Road Less Travelled.
M Scott Peck Collection 3 Books Set (The Road Less Travelled, The Road Less Travelled And Beyond)