Technofeudalism What Killed Capitalism, Sedated How Modern Capitalism Created our Mental Health Crisis 2 Books Collection Set
Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Paperback
Technofeudalism What Killed Capitalism:
In his boldest and most far-reaching book yet, world-famous economist Yanis Varoufakis argues that capitalism is dead and a new economic era has begun.Insane sums of money that were supposed to re-float our economies in the wake of the financial crisis and the pandemic have ended up supercharging big tech's hold over every aspect of the economy. Capitalism's twin pillars - markets and profit - have been replaced with big tech's platforms and rents. Meanwhile, with every click and scroll, we labour like serfs to increase its power.
Sedated: How Modern Capitalism Created our Mental Health Crisis:
In Britain alone, more than 20% of the adult population take a psychiatric drug in any one year. This is an increase of over 500% since 1980 and the numbers continue to grow. Yet, despite this prescription epidemic, levels of mental illness of all types have actually increased in number and severity.Using a wealth of studies, interviews with experts, and detailed analysis, Dr James Davies argues that this is because we have fundamentally mischaracterised the problem. Rather than viewing most mental distress as an understandable reaction to wider societal problems, we have embraced a medical model which situates the problem solely within the sufferer and their brain.
Technofeudalism What Killed Capitalism, Sedated How Modern Capitalism Created our Mental Health Crisis 2 Books Collection Set