Obesity Code, Intermittent Fasting, The Salt Fix, How Not To Die Collection 4 Books Set
Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Paperback
The Obesity Code:
In this highly readable and provocative book, Dr Jason Fung sets out a groundbreaking new theory: that obesity is caused by our hormones, rather than a lack of self-control.
The Complete KETOFAST Solution Intermittent Fasting:
The Salt Fix:
We've all heard the recommendation: no more than a teaspoon of salt a day for a healthy heart. But there's one big problem with this: the majority of us don't need to watch our salt.
How Not To Die:
How Not To Die gives effective, scientifically-proven nutritional advice to prevent our biggest killers - including heart disease, breast cancer, prostate cancer, high blood pressure and diabetes.
9781925228793 9789123698912 9780349417387 9781509852505
Obesity Code, Intermittent Fasting, The Salt Fix, How Not To Die Collection 4 Books Set