Omar Suleiman Collection 4 Books Set (Prayers of the Pious, Allah Loves, Angels in Your Presence & Meeting Muhammad)
Prayers of the Pious
Shaykh Omar Suleiman provides us with thirty short prayers taken from the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad and the early generations, each with a short reminder to deepen the impact of the prayer in our lives.
Prayers of the Pious provides spiritual gems that serve as valuable wisdom and practical advice for the soul.
By reading this short work with an attentive heart, the reader can cultivate love for God and His Messenger and live life with gratitude and contentment.
Allah Loves
In Allah Loves… Omar Suleiman explores who and what Allah loves so that we may become one of those who are beloved to Him.
The Prophet Muhammad said that one of the supplications of Prophet Dawud was, “O Allah I ask You for Your love and the love of those that love You and all of those actions that would bring me closer to being loved by you.”
Angels in Your Presence
ANGELS IN YOUR PRESENCE builds our awareness of how angels are our constant companions from the day we are born till the day we die- and beyond.
In thirty short chapters, Omar Suleiman reminds us of the many different scenarios in which the angels accompany us, protect us and pray for us as we go about our day. He inspires us to take every opportunity available to have these angels invoke blessings upon us.
Meeting Muhammad
“My eyes have never seen anything better than you. No woman has ever given birth to anyone as beautiful as you. You were created free from all flaws. As if you were created exactly as you wished. – Hassan Ibn Thabit (RA) Allah has never sent a Prophet except that Prophet had a beautiful face and a beautiful voice. In the case of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as Ali (RA) said, “I’ve never seen anything like him, before him or after him”.
Omar Suleiman Collection 4 Books Set (Prayers of the Pious, Allah Loves, Angels in Your Presence & Meeting Muhammad)