It's Not Always Depression,How Emotions Are Made,I’m Absolutely 3 Books Collection Set NEW
Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Paperback
It's Not Always Depression
We were all taught that our thoughts affect our emotions, but in truth it is largely the other way around: we have to experience our emotions to truly understand our thoughts, and our full selves. This is why we should think not only about cognitive behavioural therapy or medication, but also about our emotions, when addressing psychological suffering.
How Emotions Are Made
Many scientists believe that emotions come from a specific part of the brain, triggered by the world around us. The thrill of seeing an old friend, the fear of losing someone we love – each of these sensations seems to arise automatically and uncontrollably from within us, finding expression on our faces and in our behaviour, carrying us away with the experience.
I’m Absolutely Fine
Annabel Rivkin and Emilie McMeekan founded The Midult in 2016. They are journalists, worriers and incredibly good friends. Annabel has written for everybody from The Times to Vogue, while Emilie has been Features Editor of the Evening Standard and Deputy Editor of Tatler. Together they write a Midult column in the Saturday Telegraph Magazine and Annabel has a column in the Evening Standard's ES Magazine. Emilie is sunshine, Annabel is brimstone and together they wrote this book, lying on the floor a lot and stroking their beards.
It's Not Always Depression,How Emotions Are Made,I’m Absolutely 3 Books Collection Set NEW