The Skinny NUTRiBULLET Soup Recipe Book: Delicious, Quick & Easy, Single Serving Soups
Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Paperback
Dimensions:18.9 x 0.61 x 24.61 cm
Most likely you bought your NUTRiBULLET to make awesome smoothies….but its potential doesn’t end there!
The power of the NUTRiBULLET means that, as well as making amazing drinks, you could also be making quick & easy, nutritious soups and pasta sauces everyday.
The Skinny NUTRiBULLET Soup Recipe Book is packed full of simple, tasty, low calorie soups and pasta sauces to make using your NUTRiBULLET. Each recipe serves 1 and all fall below 100, 200, 300 or 400 calories making it easy for you to control your overall daily calorie intake.
If you are looking to lose or manage your weight as part of a calorie controlled diet then soup can be the perfect choice.
The Skinny NUTRiBULLET Soup Recipe Book: Delicious, Quick & Easy, Single Serving Soups & Pasta Sauces For Your Nutribullet. All Under 100, 200, 300 & 400 Calories