1. At The Story of Cars
2. Treasure Island
3. To at The Olympics at The Story of
4. The Mystery Mansion
5. The Fairgound the Ghost at The
6. The Story of Flying at The
7. The Jason and of Golden Fleece at The
8. The at The Shocking Story of Electricity
9. apos at The World Strongest Man hercules
10.The Amazing Adventures of Ulysses
11.The Incredible Present
12.The Magical Book
13.The Midnight Ghosts gathering shall at The Prince and Pauper of deeds Little Princess
16.Gulliver apos Travels
17.Robinson the Crusoe
18.The at The Opera of Phantom
19.Robin Hood
20.The Firebird
21.The Canterville the Ghost
22.The Enchanted Castle
23.Aesop apos Fables
24.East at The of the Sun, West of Moon at The
25.Twelfth Night
Series 3
26.The the Count of Monte Cristo
28.Pride and Prejudice
29.Jane the Eyre
30.White Fang
31.The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Me. Hyde
32.Stories of Vampires
33.Little Women
35.The Three Musketeers
36.Oliver of Twist
37.Anne Frank
39.The the Odyssey
40.William Shakespeare