Mario Puzo 5 Books Collection Set The Sicilian, The Last Don, The Godfather NEW
Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Paperback
The Last Don
The Last Don is Mario Puzo at his finest - a masterful saga of the last great American crime family, the Clericuzios, and their powerful reach into Hollywood and Las Vegas. Domenico Clericuzio is a wise and ruthless man who in his old age is determined to create a life free from criminal activities for his grandchildren. But as he strives to establish his heirs in legitimate society, secrets from his family's past spark a vicious and bloody war between cousins ...
The Godfather: The classic bestseller that inspired the legendary film
But no man can stay on top forever, not when he has enemies on both sides of the law. As the ageing Vito Corleone nears the end of a long life of crime, his sons must step up to manage the family business. Sonny Corleone is an old hand, while World War II veteran Michael Corleone is unused to the world of crime and reluctant to plunge into the business.
The Sicilian
At sea amid the treacheries of a brutal and unfamiliar land, Michael must find a way through the labyrinthine deceits that surround him, while Giuliano prepares himself for a final confrontation with Don Croce, Capo di Capi of the Sicilian Mafia. A novel of explosive suspense, heroic action - and evil on an epic scale.
The Fortunate Pilgrim
From the barren farms of Italy to the cramped tenements of New York, the immigrant families struggle with an adopted life - none more so than the Angeluzzi-Corbos. At their head stands Lucia Santa, wife, widow and mother of two families. It is her formidable will that steers them through the Depression and the early years of the war. But she cannot prevent the conflict between Italian and American values - nor the violence and bloodshed which must surely follow...
The Family
Scheming and plotting for their own ends are his children: Giovanni, the much-favoured golden boy; his younger brother Cesare, jealous and vicious; and Lucrezia, cunning, calculating and passionate. The Borgias face immense opposition from all quarters of Italy, but their deadliest foes may be far closer to home.
Mario Puzo 5 Books Collection Set The Sicilian, The Last Don, The Godfather NEW