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Lesley Stanfield Knit and Crochet Collection 2 Books Set, (100 Flowers to Knit and Crochet & 75 Birds and Butterflies to Knit & Crochet)

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SKU VRT-4039 ISBN 9789123969739 Author

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Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Paperback

100 Flowers to Knit 

Everything is coming up roses with this delightful collection of flowers to knit and crochet. The perfect way to use up scraps of yarn or practice using novelty yarns, you can use them to decorate clothing, hats, bags and belts, embellish home accessories, or make a beautiful bouquet as an unusual display piece. Choose from simple spiral roses, pretty poppies, elaborate layered blooms, and fabulous felted flowers. The flowers are beautifully arranged on the pages, with stitched leaves and embroidered stems

75 Birds and Butterflies to Knit & Crochet 

 Rasshirte svoy repertuar vyazanyh motivov, sozdavaya miniatyurnye shedevry: ot rogatyh ulitok i pestryh gusenits do izyskannyh babochek i sverkayuschih strekoz iz metallizirovannoy pryazhi. Eti simpatichnye melochi podoydut dlya ukrasheniya odezhdy, aksessuarov, dlya oformleniya obedennogo stola i sten doma, a takzhe sami po sebe stanut originalnym podarkom dlya rodnyh i druzey. Vse izdeliya naglyadno predstavleny v "Kataloge motivov" v nachale knigi, a protsess ih vyazaniya podrobno opisyvaetsya v posleduyuschey chasti knigi pod nazvaniem "Instruktsii". Dlya bolshinstva motivov, ispolnyaemyh kryuchkom, privodyatsya shemy. Avtory rasskazyvaem takzhe, kak nabivat, otdelyvat i dovodit do sovershenstva kazhduyu iz detaley. V posledney chasti knigi, kotoraya nazyvaetsya "Idei", vy naydete interesnye i zabavnye predlozheniya po ispolzovaniyu vyazanyh motivov. Ukrashat interer ili odezhdu mozhno v samyh raznyh stilyah i nastroeniyah, i v etom dele vam pomozhet eta kniga.



100 Flowers to Knit and Crochet

75 Birds and Butterflies to Knit & Crochet


