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Luke Beardon Collection 3 Books Set Avoiding Anxiety in Autistic Adults, Autism

by Luke Beardon Publisher: Sheldon Press
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SKU VRT-16037 ISBN 9789123460816 Author

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Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Paperback

Avoiding Anxiety in Autistic Adults: A Guide for Autistic Wellbeing....

At work, at university, in social situations, in friendships, relationships, in shops, in unfamiliar environments - there are a wealth of things that can make you feel overwhelmed if the world is full of things that you feel nobody else notices but which cause you huge distress. Dr Luke Beardon has put together an optimistic, upbeat and readable guide that will be essential reading not just for any autistic adult, but for anyone who loves, lives with or works with an autistic person. Emphasising that autism is not behaviour, but at the same time acknowledging that there are risks of increased anxiety specific to autism, this practical book gives clear strategies that the autistic person can adopt to minimise their anxiety and live comfortably in a world full of what may seem to be noise and chaos.....

Autism and Asperger Syndrome in Childhood: For parents and carers of the newly diagnosed

Dr Luke Beardon is a well-known expert in the field, and this book is an accessible, easy-to-read introduction for those encountering autism for the first time. Gently and honestly, it guides you through the issues you might encounter, busting the myths around autism and Asperger Syndrome, and explaining what the diagnosis means for your child, for you, and for your wider family. It looks at sensory profiles, helps you handle your child's anxiety, tackles education, and answers a variety of frequently asked questions.Other topics covered by this sensitive and empowering book include how to have conversations with your child (the 'autistic voice'), how to manage your child's education and - importantly - the undeniable strengths of autism.....

Avoiding Anxiety in Autistic Children: A Guide for Autistic Wellbeing...

Dr Luke Beardon has put together an optimistic, upbeat and readable guide that will be essential reading for any parent to an autistic child, whether they are of preschool age or teenagers. Emphasising that autism is not behaviour, but at the same time acknowledging that there are risks of increased anxiety specific to autism, this practical book gives insight into the nature of the anxiety experienced by autistic people, as well as covering every likely situation in which your child might feel anxious or worried. It will help you to prepare your child for school, to monitor their anxiety around school, and also to be informed about the educational choices available to your child. It will give you support to help make breaktimes less stressful for them and how to help them navigate things like eating at school and out of the house.


Luke Beardon Collection 3 Books Set Avoiding Anxiety in Autistic Adults, Autism


