Michael Grant The Magnificent 12 Series Collection 4 Books Set (The Call, The Trap, The Key, The Power)
Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Paperback
The Call:
Mack McAvoy is not an unlikely hero. He is an impossible hero! He is only twelve years old, he has a list of phobias as long as your arm, and he's a bully magnet. That is, until Mack is visited by a golem. The golem looks exactly like Mack, and has been sent to fill in for him while the real Mack sets out to save the world from the evil Pale Queen.
The Trap:
Mack, Jarrah, and Stefan travel to China and Germany to find the next two members of the Magnificent Twelve. It's easy: eat some scorpions, find some dragons, fight a guitar-playing thunder god, and stay away from Paddy "Nine Iron" Trout and his deadly but very sloooow blade.
The Key:
Time is short for Mack MacAvoy! He has less than 30 days to round up the rest of the magnifica and defeat the Pale Queen and her evil daughter Risky.It seems that the only way to do this is to learn the magical language of Vargran, and to do THAT they must travel to Europe to find the Key – an ancient engraved stone that will unlock its power.
The Power:
Time is running out for Mack MacAvoy and the magnifica! It seems the only way they can defeat the Pale Queen and her evil daughter Risky is to learn the magical language of Vargran. So Mack, Jarrah, Xiao, Dietmar and Stephan travel to Europe to find the Key, an engraved stone that unlocks the power of Vargran.
Michael Grant The Magnificent 12 Series Collection 4 Books Set (The Call, The Trap, The Key, The Power)