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Staring Down the Wolf Mark Divine,Fierce Leadership Susan Scott 2 Books Set

SKU VRT-17883 ISBN 9789124259112 Author

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Staring Down the Wolf: 7 Leadership Commitments That Forge Elite Teams......

Retired Navy SEAL Commander, entrepreneur and New York Times bestselling author Mark Divine (founder of SEALFIT,, and Unbeatable Mind) reveals what makes the culture of an elite team, and how to get your own team to commit to serve at an elite level. Using principles he learned on the battlefield, training SEALs, and in his own entrepreneurial and growth company ventures, Mark knows what it is to lead elite teams, and how easily the team can fail by breaching these commitments.Elite teams challenge themselves to step up everyday to do the uncommon. Developing the principles yourself and aligning your team around these commitments will allow you to thrive in VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) environments, no matter your background or leadership experience....

Fierce Leadership: A bold alternative to the worst 'best practices' of business today...

For years, these mantras have been blindly adopted by business leaders everywhere but, as Susan Scott shows, these so-called best practices are ineffectual, cost companies vast sums and drive away the most valuable employees and customers. Yet they are so deeply ingrained in our organisational culture that no one has questioned them, until now.Informed by over a decade of research and work with CEOs and senior executives of the world's leading companies, Susan Scott reveals why these established practices are so wrongheaded and shows you how to spot the signs that you are falling prey to them and why they are adversely affecting your business. She then, in her direct, no-nonsense style, suggests a series of surprising and smart alternatives that you should put in their place....


Staring Down the Wolf Mark Divine,Fierce Leadership Susan Scott 2 Books Set


