The Good Food Menopause Diet Cookbook: Healthy Eating Feel-Active Plan
Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Paperback
Now is the time to embrace a common sense approach to eating. Instead of being concerned with food fads and foibles, mid-life is an opportunity to seize control of your dietary habits in order to gain increased health and a long and energetic life. Middle-age is the perfect time to break away from the complex, and sometimes damaging, relationship some women have with food. Instead of seeing food as an enemy, it should be embraced as an ally; helping you to achieve your health goals, manage menopausal symptoms and give you the energy needed to enjoy the next stage in your life. After all, the link between diet and energy is direct: food is fuel. The most beneficial way to eat,
The Good Food Menopause Diet Cookbook: Healthy Eating Feel-Active Plan